Everyone struggles to find those perfect words for this important occasion. Heartfelt retirement wishes will mean a lot. We’ll show you exactly how to write an amazing retirement card in three easy steps.
Whether a spouse, family member, close friend, boss, or co-worker; it doesn’t need to be an agonizing chore.
What to write in a retirement card that conveys sincerity on achieving this life changing milestone includes three steps:
Your thoughtfully crafted message might be treasured for years to come.
What exactly you write depends upon who is retiring and how well you know them. We’ll get into specific with lots of examples.
While it’s tempting to say something humorous, most of the time it won’t be that memorable. Perhaps a good laugh at the moment, but if that’s the primary message, it won’t be long until your card winds up in the recycling bin.

Then there’s the risk of sounding insulting or dismissive. “You can finally do nothing without worrying about getting caught” has connotations that someone didn’t do much when they were at their job.
That’s why I’m going to show you how to write a genuine and respectful message.
What to Write in A Retirement Card
Retirement is a big deal and the card commemorating this special occasion should reflect that. It’s almost rude not to express your best wishes for someone you respect and admire.
Congratulate Them
Congratulate them as this is a major achievement! There’s lots of ways of saying it and the following are some ideas:
You can use one of the above, mix and match, or create your own. Almost every store-bought card will convey some form of congratulatory phrase.
Certainly, you can add your own version or skip the first step and focus on acknowledging their contributions.
Acknowledge Their Contributions
This section is the key in what to write in a retirement card to make it amazing. All too often this part is overlooked, yet it’s what makes your sentiments heartfelt.
Rather than sounding generic and bland, you’ll want to identify what makes them special. The difference they made and why you appreciate them.
It’s customary to acknowledge their contributions and accomplishments. In many respects, you’re touching upon their legacy and how they’ll be remembered. Sometimes, it helps to think about what you’d like others to say about you.
I’d rather someone mentioned how I went the “extra mile” helping clients and team-mates. How they respected me and knew they could always count on me.
Stating I survived 25 years and always showed up for work on time would feel dismissive. So, share how they impacted your life and made a difference. When applicable, you might share a specific example. Some thoughts include:
Another approach would be thinking about what they take pride in. If you have the opportunity, ask them “You’re about to retire, what are you most proud of?”. This might provide you with the perfect answer to add to your message.
For instance, they might be proud of the incredible relationships they forged over the years and how much they’re going to miss the daily interactions. Touching upon these aspects would be highly meaningful for them.
Wish Them Well
Finally, this is a life changing event as they’re leaving their working life behind. A new chapter in life for which you’ll want to wish them well. You might want to add they’ll be missed or keep in touch. Some ideas include:
If they’ve shared any of their future plans, these might also be worth mentioning. Such as hitting the golf course, a cross country RV adventure, or any other interests.
What to Write for A Family Member of Close Friend
For family and close friends, what to write in a retirement card will usually be more personal and relationship focused. You might mention their years of sacrifice raising a family, career choices, or their hopes and dreams.
Additionally, you wouldn’t say you’re going to miss them because if anything, hopefully, you’ll be able to share more time together.
Sample Messages for A Friend

Sample Messages for A Family Member

What to Say for A Co-Worker
We spend more time at work than we do with our spouses. Close bonds can grow with “work friends” over the years. This would warrant a personalized card and perhaps a small gift.
Keep in mind, loss of work friends is a common concern and you might want to reassure them you’ll keep in touch. You may not be that close to your retiring colleague.
Often a card is circulated throughout the office for everyone to sign (and usually donate toward a gift). In these situations. It’s appropriate to sign the card with a brief congratulatory note.

Sample Wishes

Sample Note

What to Write for A Boss
Really good bosses seem few and far between. One that has been fair, acknowledged your efforts, and helped you get ahead. You’ll want to write something special.
This is your opportunity to recognize their contributions and the impact it made for you. Even if they weren’t your dream boss, this is still a big-event for them. Again, this is when a card from the team is a great option.

Sample Wishes from You

Sample Message from The Team

What to Say to A Teacher
Teachers dedicate their lives to helping students learn and grow. Their profession is somewhat unique in that they bond with their students as well as with fellow staff.
After years of inspiring and educating other, they may receive considerable recognition.

Sample Message from Student

Sample Message from Staff

Sample Message from Parents

Closing Thoughts
Although it might seem daunting at first, writing a retirement message in three steps can produce a heart-felt meaningful note. This is a momentous occasion and your carefully crafted words might be long remembered.
So, take your time and create a memory!
Good, practical ideas. I am so lazy about writing cards in general, and I had never thought about humor as seeming dismissive. This definitely provided me with some inspiration! 🙂
So glad this provided some inspiration for you, Bethany. We understand about writing cards :-).
Everyone has a different sense of humor, so you have to be careful with it. Especially when it can, potentially, offend someone. Retirement is a big deal and it’s worth taking the time to write something meaningful.